Since picking guitar back up over the last week, I’ve been toying with the idea of picking up an accoustic guitar. I have a cheap classical that I’ve been playing on, but I know that accoustic would serve me better in the folk genre.
Today, on a whim, I took my lunch break and went out to the Music Go Round in Burnsville. If you don’t mind used equipment, this is the place to go.
When I got there, a guy was sitting in the guitar room, playing. I was looking at guitars, and he started asking me what I was looking for. I told him that I was considering moving from classical to accoustic. Immediately, he started helping me pick one out. He handed me the one he had been playing, “Try this one”. I took the guitar, and it felt amazing. It sat right in my hands, the strings were in just the right place, and when I strummed a few chords, it sounded amazing. It was just slightly out of the range that I had to spend immediately on a guitar, so I gave it back to him, and kept checking out the other guitars, hoping to find one in my price range. But every guitar I picked up didn’t feel right, or didn’t sound very good. I kept going back to that one.
This guitar, an Ibanez, had a built in tuner, and electric pickup. More than I needed, but some seriously cool features. The more I played it, the more I fell in love. I asked them if I could plug it in, and it was really cool to see how it played over an amp.
Finally, I called my husband to gauge his reaction to bringing home a guitar that day. The decision was made. I ended up spending what I should have spent on a used guitar, and maybe even a little less. Yes, it was more than I wanted to spend, but in the end, I think it’s going to be the right choice. I bought a case and a stand alongside it.
So, I guess I’m in the game now. No turning back. Here is my beautiful new guitar.